Service Culture Support

Have you built a great Course Leadership TEAM?

By 2014-04-08 July 5th, 2019
evaluations. And good Course Leaders also take time, regularly,
for self-reflection and “in the mirror” evaluation
You may be very skillful on your own, but your company’s culture-
building program will only be successful if you connect and thrive
as a TEAM. Do you and your fellow Course Leaders really work well
as a TEAM to drive the cultural change? Here are ten important
questions to ask and answer together.
1. Do you support each other so that every Course Leader
achieves good results, in every class? Remember, the reputation of
your program can be put at risk from just one poorly conducted
2. Do you observe each other and share ideas to improve
skills with constructive critique? Or do you wait for poor
evaluation forms to show there is a weakness or a problem?
3. Do you make an effort to use your own strengths to
complement and help overcome another team member’s weakness?
4. Do you share best practices to continuously improve (or
does every Course Leaders “reinvent the wheel”)?
5. Do you share credit as a Course Leadership team? If a
senior manager gives you a compliment, do you naturally reply
“Thank you, I am proud to be part of a great team. We all put a
lot of effort into making this program successful.”
6. Do you role model uplifting behaviours, motivating each
other with an intentionally uplifting spirit?
7. Do you celebrate successes together? Successful courses?
Successful participants? Successful service improvements for your
8. Do you maintain a proactive dialogue and relationship with
your management sponsors – Taking Personal Responsibility to
ensure the credibility of the whole team?
9. Do you evaluate your spirit and performance as a team from
time to time, taking a valuable “look in the mirror” together?
10. Do you address and resolve friction when it arises, and
encourage healthy dialogue through challenging times?
If you answered YES to all questions, then you are performing
strongly as a Course Leadership TEAM. If you answered NO to any,
then I recommend you look into these together – as a TEAM.
How do you keep your Course Leader TEAM strong and successful?
What do you consider most important when you are working, teaching
and enabling the organization together?

Good Course Leaders know the importance of preparation. Good Course Leaders also know the importance of the application – linking the learning to action, and the action to business impact.

Good Course Leaders take pride in high feedback scores and evaluations. And good Course Leaders also take time, regularly, for self-reflection and “in the mirror” evaluation.

You may be very skillful on your own, but your company’s culture-building program will only be successful if you connect and thrive as a TEAM.

Do you and your fellow Course Leaders really work well as a TEAM to drive the cultural change?

Here are ten important questions to ask and answer together:

1. Do you support each other so that every Course Leader achieves good results, in every class?     Remember, the reputation of your program can be put at risk from just one poorly conducted class.

2. Do you observe each other and share ideas to improve skills with constructive critique? Or do you wait for poor evaluation forms to show there is a weakness or a problem?

3. Do you make an effort to use your own strengths to complement and help overcome another team member’s weakness?

4. Do you share best practices to continuously improve (or does every Course Leaders “reinvent the wheel”)?

5. Do you share credit as a Course Leadership team? If a senior manager gives you a compliment, do you naturally reply “Thank you, I am proud to be part of a great team. We all put a lot of effort into making this program successful.”

6. Do you role model uplifting behaviors, motivating each other with an intentionally uplifting spirit?

7. Do you celebrate successes together? Successful courses? Successful participants? Successful service improvements for your customers?

8. Do you maintain a proactive dialogue and relationship with your management sponsors – Taking Personal Responsibility to ensure the credibility of the whole team?

9. Do you evaluate your spirit and performance as a team from time to time, taking a valuable “look in the mirror” together?

10. Do you address and resolve friction when it arises, and encourage healthy dialogue through challenging times?

If you answered YES to all questions, then you are performing strongly as a Course Leadership TEAM. If you answered NO to any, then I recommend you look into these together – as a TEAM.

How do you keep your Course Leader TEAM strong and successful?

What do you consider most important when you are working, teaching and enabling the organization together?


  • Ehab says:

    Building a Team with this spirit is really a challenge. People tends to challenge each other and not willing to share therie success key points.

    One thing can help in building the Team Spirit; to give the appreciation for all the team not for individuals.

  • Oscir Zancan says:

    Hi Mandeep, Very good article and good questions for reflection. Mandeep, I do agree that building a strong and well orchestred CL team is as key point for success for the Service excellence program. Good experience we had in LAT years ago with the program @ Nokia and the key was continous good practices sharing.

  • Mandeep says:

    Hi Ehab,

    Thanks for your very valid comment, this is exactly what points 5 & 7 cover. Showing appreciation is fundamental in driving good spirit including any behavioural change.


  • Mandeep says:

    @Oscir Zancan
    Hi Oscir

    Thanks for sharing your comment. Latin America was a perfect example of how the Course Leaders behaved as one team and how successful this sharing was for others. Well Done!
